'I've always loved running, starting as a child and then playing hockey in high school. It just rolled into adulthood and I have had a bit of a love/hate relationship with running.
My favourite running event is the Dublin Women's Mini Marathon - June Bank Holiday weekend always warm and sunny. Also, I really enjoyed the views when Participating in the Run Melbourne Half Mara. One of my running quirks is that when it gets tough on a run, I repeatedly count to 100 in Gaeilge.
I am excited that I help grow enthusiasm for running and exercise, showing kids that it isn't always about winning - that just taking part is an achievement and that being part of the LRC community is something to be proud of.'
'I started running in 2012 and first event was Run for Kids 2014 My favourite running event was 2019 Berlin Marathon to have family cheering and friends also running is an easy answer. Also was my Marathon pb. I like coaching because I like meeting and chatting to people, passing on knowledge, giving tips and seeing them improving is very satisfying My running quirk is that I always put my left sock on first then left runner, tie it up. Then right sock then runner tie it up.'
'I’ve been running consistently since 2015 and have loved the freedom that being fit brings. Recently, I’ve run UTA50 and Melbourne Marathon which were both huge challenges, both to train for and to finish, however my favourite running events have been trail runs on Victoria’s surf coast – Wonderfalls, and the Surf Coast Trail Half Marathon.
My favourite part about coaching is supporting and motivating others, and how improving your running mindset is just as important as physical fitness on those long runs. My running quirk is that I can be peer pressured into entering (almost) anything, as long as there is good company and a refuel at the pub!'
'I had a huge lifestyle change at 45 years old which led me into running as a healthy way to manage my mental health.
I have since run multiple half marathons and at the age of 50, ran my first marathon. Coaching was not something I had thought I’d ever do as I never thought of myself as “a runner”, but I hope I can help motivate people through my experiences and prove that you can turn your life around at any point in time.
I guess the running quirk I have is that I like to run on the left hand side if running with company.'
'I started running on Oct 29, 2016 - my very first Parkrun.
My favourite running event was the Cadbury Half Marathon in Jan 2020, the scenery along the Derwent River in Hobart was stunning.
What I like most about coaching is to help others achieve their goals regardless of distance or time and to never compare yourself to other runners or their ability.
My running quirk is that I need a pack of red jelly beans when I head out for a long run, and I don’t tie my shoelaces too tightly either!'
'I started running 6 years ago after having my 2nd child, but I also ran Little Athletics and at school.
My favourite event was Surf Coast Century Team 100km
Coaching allows me to meet such a wide range of people and gives me opportunity to help people to make a change or reach a goal, which is really satisfying
My running quirk is to never run in long sleeves unless it is below 0... except that one time at Bright parkrun where it was -1 and I still ran in a singlet and was hot and sweaty by the end!'
'Never ran as a kid. I would think of every excuse to get out of Athletics Carnivals and P.E. It's funny how life turns around.
I love running and it helps balance the mind and life's stresses. My favourite running event is the Great Ocean Road Running Festival - gorgeous scenery and it's just that far away from Melbourne to make it a great, short runcation. LRC gave me the drive to push through runs I'd never imagined I'd achieve, and I'm humbled to be a Coach where I can give back .
My running quirk is that I run with a smile (appropriately nicknamed 'Smiley'). There has only been 2 instances where I haven't and they were justified, hahaha.
'As a teenager, I was always running: School cross country, Athletics Carnivals, playing football. I remember being fit and competitive. Fast forward 30+ years, I thought my running days were in the past, until Feb 2021. My wife, Anna, said she was inspired to do a LRC 'Walk2Run' program and asked me to join her. I wasn't too keen but everything changed from there. My favourite running event is Run 4 the Kids, it's an amazing day with lots of costumes and laughs, supporting the Royal Children's Hospital. I became a coach to support and encourage, like I had received, and hoping to do the same. One of my running quirks is that after an event, I will have a hot Radox bath with a small glass of Sambucca (recovery and hydration) and complain about how sore I am.'
' I started running in 2020 to get fit after hearing about Parkrun. It’s fair to say I’m hooked and enjoy the longer distances. My favourite race is Great Ocean Road Running Festival. With cliff faces on one side, the ocean on the other and a huge bunch of members to give you a final push across the line what’s not to love.
As a coach I want to help and inspire anyone to set some goals and then smash them.
My running quirk would have to be catching a train to the city then running home just for fun.'
'I always hated running as a teenager. But then I had a midlife crisis and decided to get healthy. I lost around 20kg and thought I would try parkrun to see how far I could run. I then fell in love with running and the community it brings. I have since run countless half marathons and 3 marathons. My favourite event is Gold Coast Marathon, the vibe just keeps you going, and it’s a bonus that it’s a flat course. I’m really excited to be a coach and hopefully inspire and encourage others in their running journey. My running quirk is that I wear odd socks and that I eat straight Vegemite on my long runs and marathons.'
'I first laced up my running shoes in 2018, joining a group of work friends to tackle the Run Melbourne 10km in support of the Stroke Foundation. While I struggled to finish the event, I discovered something unexpected: I genuinely enjoyed running. There’s a unique thrill in pushing past that inner voice urging you to stop, and it’s kept me coming back ever since.
As a coach, what I love most is helping others unlock their potential and experience that same empowering realization: we’re often capable of far more than we believe.
My running quirk? I once spent weeks running laps around a Red Rooster to claim a “local legend” record on Strava. When I finally achieved it, I celebrated in style, with a quarter chicken, chips, and a pineapple fritter!'
'It’s hard to say exactly when I started running. I would say I have two dates. The first was when I started treadmill running in Feb 2018, as part of a cardio-focused health kick not long after I turned 39. The turning point came in October 2019, so 18 months later, when I got my fitness to a point where I felt comfortable taking it to the streets! To me it’s the second date but I had built up a pretty solid foundation beforehand.
So far my favourite running event is probably my first half marathon completed in LRC colours - Sandy Point Summer Edition in Feb 2021. Seeing people push themselves to achieve their goals is a coaching highlight for me! Everyone is coming off a different base, but by coaching I can share this activity, share my stories and experiences to support others to either lose some weight (check-lots), recover from injury (in progress), run a new distance (check), set a new personal best time (check) or run a challenging course (check)!'
'I have loved running for as long as I can remember. I always entered the running events for athletics at school. Now as an adult it just seems like the most fun way to exercise.
The Grampians Challenge Trail Run in 2019 was my favourite event. A really beautiful course in one of my favourite locations. It also gave me a bit of a kick start after a bit of a break from running.
I love seeing people working towards goals in running and completing runs or distances they didn't think they were capable of. Its nice to be part of the support network at LRC.
I always run in shorts and a t-shirt no matter the weather and after an event I always go for hot chips and a coffee or beer - depending on the time of day.'
'I’ve been running since the birth of my daughter in 2013. I was initially drawn to running as it was too difficult to commit to a team sport training schedule as a new dad.
I enjoy exploring the suburbs whilst out running and the fact that any workout can be done as easy or as hard as you like.
My favourite running events so far has been the Melbourne half marathons, I really enjoy the big city crowd support and the being able to run through/on city icons – MCG, Bolte Bridge and the Grand Prix Circuit.
I enjoy connecting with other runners in the LRC community and look forward to working with them to achieve their individual goals - their first ever 5k, achieving a new PB or completing a longer event.
My running quirk is that I like to always wear a visor regardless of the weather and my penchant for brightly coloured running attire.'
'I started running in late 2016 with a goal to run 5km before I was 50 in May 2017 (and the rest as they say is history).
My favourite running event so far has been Run for the Kids in 2018, with Kirsty, Nikki and Hughsey... even though I prefer to run solo.
I like coaching because it feels good to give something back to a club that has been tremendously supportive to me during my worse times. Also, I like to think that I may just inspire that one person to think that they can do it if ATP has.
My running quirk is that I always have to have a coffee prior to an event, two is better (a glass of bubbly is EVEN better). Also, I always put on my left sock first... I will swear A LOT - words you won't have even heard before.'
'I became a running coach because I thrive on helping others push boundaries and discover that anything is possible. With a background in coaching netball and cricket, I’ve missed the buzz of mentoring and leading people to achieve more than they imagined. As a coach, I aim to be an all-rounder, armed with the knowledge not just to train but also crew and support runners during their big events.
My favourite event? The Shepparton Running Festival—there’s just something special about its energy and community.
Oh, and here’s the fun twist: you’ll never catch me on a walk or run without a visor or buff—it’s my little quirk and lucky charm!'