'I started back in 2014, participating in my first ever running event, Run For The Kids 5.5k. It was from there that I had caught the running bug and found the enjoyment in running.
Fast forward a few years, this soon led to some my biggest running achievements: running my first ultra at the Two Bays Trail Run 56km, and just recently, completed the Run Down Under virtual totalling 14,080km.
One of my favourite events is the Gold Coast Marathon, the course is fast and flat and runs close along its famous beaches and gleaming skyline, plus the atmosphere is amazing. My other favourite, would have to be my ‘home’ marathon event, the Melbourne Marathon.
What I love about coaching, it’s my way of giving back and to be able share my running knowledge, to connect with and to help others reach their goals and achievements, it’s an incredibility rewarding experience.'
'I started running in May 2017, I bought the best looking Garmin watch for Mother's Day to encourage me to run.
My favourite running event has been 4Peaks Bright Alpine Climb 2019, it was brutal the whole 4 days; all four season was experienced across those days. But I loved every second of it because I was in the best of companies and breathtaking beauty of the mountains.
I love coaching because I enjoy connecting with people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. I love learning how to get the best from them and seeing them progress and uncover their potential. It's heartwarming when they trust in your ability and we both experience personal growth together.
My running quirk is that I must do a chicken dance at least once during a race!'
'I started running almost 10 years ago, after the birth of my youngest child, but I also dabbled in cross-country running in high school with fellow LRC member Ms. Judith Clarke as my sports teacher.
My favourite running event has been 4 Peaks Bright Alpine Climb in 2019. A gruelling 4-day trail event in Victorian Alpine Country with over 6,000m elevation, held every year on the Melbourne Cup long weekend.
The best thing about coaching is the chance to ‘pay it forward’ to the running community. I’ve made all the classic running mistakes so I want to save as many others from making the same ones. Plus I REALLY love celebrating the ‘personal wins’ of other runners.'
'I started running in 2016, when my PT at the time encouraged me to go along to parkrun.
My favourite event was the Honolulu Marathon, which I got to run with my bestie in 2019. A once in a lifetime experience!
I love coaching because I love making connections with people. Seeing people develop their confidence and ability is incredibly rewarding.
My running quirk is that I can't run without a cap. Sunny, raining, daytime, nighttime, I always have my cap on!'
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